I want to invite you, to join me in such conscious acts of co-creation on Zoom.
I will gently initiate a synchronization process by anchoring us deeply in the core of Mother Earth.
Then we direct our awareness to consciously experiencing the interconnectedness with the Field of Life
and invite the guidance and blessing of the Divine. Including several tools as co-created sound-fields, we will intensify
the manifestation process. In heart-brain coherence, deeply devoted to the greater good for all life, we open ourselves up,
and let love act through us. And as compassion takes over as a Force of Nature, miracles become possible.
Thank you so much for caring and for your interest in this work.
I would love to welcome you and co-create with you and together call into existence what serves Life.
I will announce the upcoming dates here and on the Facebook page Between Heaven & Earth.
I intend to offer one healing ritual every or every other weekend with changing daytimes
to reach people from different time zones.
Please share this invitation and information with your friends and networks.
Very much looking forward to meeting you.
Next dates:
Sunday September 8th, 8pm CEST, 11am PDT
On Sunday September 15th I am hosting a day-long event in our centre in Emmendingen,
including a healing-ritual for the Earth at 6pm CEST, but no online event on that weekend, sorry.