
Die Kombination von geführter Meditation, synchronisierter Visualisierung, Elementen aus dem Somatic Experiencing®
(Trauma-Behandlung), Energiearbeit und gemeinsam erzeugten Klangfeldern, verwurzelt im Herzen der Erde und in
Anbindung an das Göttliche, ermöglichen eine tiefgreifende Heilarbeit für die Erde und auf der kollektiven Ebene.
Alle Veranstaltungen in der Praxis in Emmendingen & Online auf Zoom (Englisch) auf Spendenbasis.

In Bearbeitung.

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Rückmeldungen zu Klangheilungs - Webinaren

“Liebe Jasmin, dein Sound Healing Zoom Angebot hat mich wirklich sehr inspiriert. Ich bin dir extrem dankbar.” MCL, Berlin

“Last friday I was fortunate to be one of the participants in Jasmin Erinya Schuler’s sound healing meditation. We were set up via the internet zoom.us as we were all in different cities/countries. I personally found the experience unique as I had never taken part in that kind of group meditation. It was deeply moving, and incredibly effective. Jasmin very gently guided us to ground in mother earth and then invited us to allow sensations which I am quite accustomed to, she was very authentic and experienced. What was most amazing to me after we ‘grounded into the earth’ was how she lead us in voicing the energies that we felt. The result was deeply moving heart mind and bones, I feel this experience really helps connect people to one another. I would go as far as to say this kind of healing is what everyone on the earth and including the Earth needs right now. This was such a beautiful experience, thank you Jasmin.” Jacqui Harwood CranioParis.com

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